It happens in our forums all the time. Someone posts a question like, “How do I set up PostgreSQL for a multiuser environment?” There's an answer to this question, of course, but it's not simple. You need to know a bit about PostgreSQL, about user adminstration, and about the xTuple ERP database. People seem to think we can paste an answer into the reply field and solve their problem, but what...
xTuple's Collective Brainpower Blog

In the past week xTuple has released modules to integrate xTuple ERP with Ubercart (a module for Drupal) and osCommerce , two of the most popular open source e-commerce platforms. This is in addition to our long-standing support for Yahoo Stores .
You can find all three free e-commerce integration solutions from xTuple for download from the xChange.
You can download and use any...
The first is the upcoming release of version 3.3.0 of xTuple ERP. The details are below, but in summary, it was the most collaboratively-designed (and coded) release yet of xTuple ERP. You'll be particularly pleased if you are a distributor with inventory to manage at various sites, or if you operate in a country with a complex VAT and other tax structures., where you can download the open source PostBooks project, has undergone a lot of changes lately. Some of them are great--the new site home page is a much better interface for users looking to find software on the site--and some are not so wonderful, such as the new file download system, which is still a work in progress. We're hoping they work out the bugs there soon....

This is the first in an occasional series of blog posts written from a developer's perspective. Most of the entries will be written for other developers - whether you work on scripts or the core, work for an xTuple ERP customer or want to extend PostBooks or are an xTuple VAR or are simply interested in how the product works internally. Some may have a wider appeal.
If you have been...

We're happy to announce that beta3 of xTuple ERP 3.3.0 is now available for download . This release includes the 129 fixes contributed as a result of the xTuple Bug Derby ; check out the release notes here . In addition to all the bug fixes, you should see some dramatic performance improvements in a number of high-volume situations as well. And if you're not up on all the cool new features...

One issue I rarely see discussed in articles about ERP, open source or just about any software is trust. When looking for an ERP system the number of considerations that have to be thought through from business processes to technology platforms can be overwhelming. Many people deal with the enormity of this process by coming up with a list of feature requirements which are then blasted to all...
By Josh Chalifour
In a call yesterday with xTuple's Ned Lilly, we had a chance to catch up on the open source ERP vendor's current business. I wanted to say a word about the company's recently launched xChange online store, which I think is a smart way for an open source enterprise software vendor to provide clients convenient access to community and partner innovations. It may also be...

Congratulations to user jstandring , whose 10 bug fixes score him a shiny new Dell Netbook! A special thanks as well, to the xTuple staff developers who rose to the occasion admirably.
The climate-controlled offices at xTuple are 99.9% bug-free, but we'll freely admit that's not the case with software — ours, or anyone else's. In the last six months we've cranked out three well-received releases in the 3.2.x cycle, and we're currently in beta testing of version 3.3.0. All the new feature development in 3.3 is complete, and it's time to swat some bugs.

xTuple is proud to announce our first annual xTuple Bug Derby.
From July 13th to July 21st we will be obsessively fixated on resolving as many bugs as possible for the 3.3 release and we are inviting the greater xTuple community to join in.
There will be prizes for participating contributors. Anyone who submits code to resolve 3 or more bugs will receive an xTuple Bug Derby T-...
By Erika Morphy
When can a company that's still "close to being a startup" compete on a level playing field against the giants in its field? During a recession, that's when, says Ned Lilly, CEO of open source ERP provider xTuple. Cash-strapped companies that once were drawn to SAP and Oracle are now giving xTuple second looks, he told CRM Buyer.

We cannot read much on technology these days that doesn't have some kind of Social Network angle. Every article you read has a " Digg it " or " ShareThis " button. Maybe you get the your news via Twitter , or learn about a new product from a friend on Facebook . Perhaps you stay connected with old work buddies via LinkedIn . It has been great for me, using these tools, to help me filter the...
By Alex Woodie
xTuple this month opened an online store aimed at making it easier for partners and users to buy and sell add-on products that work with its open source ERP software suite. If it attracts just a fraction of the Internet traffic enjoyed by Apple and its consumer-focused AppStore, xTuple's new e-commerce website, called the xChange, will be a huge hit, and could encourage...
By The VAR Guy
xTuple is a small open source company with big plans. A prime example: The maker of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software has launched an xChange Online App Store for customers and channel partners. Here's the scoop, from The VAR Guy.

Now that the weather's warming up, we're looking forward to a return to the American Rover tall ship - always a highlight of the xTuple training classes.
Mark your calendar for the week of June 15 - it's our most popular class, the xTuple ERP 101 survey course . You'll build your own xTuple database from scratch, and run full business cycles with the data you've created. Network and...

Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS). We've all heard that before as a guideline for ERP software development and implementation. Simple systems are easier to both implement and maintain. But I don't think there are many things that could be more challenging than keeping an ERP system simple. Enter the Simple Sales Order:
Simple Sales Order is an answer to the problem caused by the fact that...
Offers Straightforward Download of Free and Paid Add-Ons to xTuple ERP and Ability for Open Source Community to Share Customizations Easily
xTuple, the leader in open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, today announced the launch of the xChange, an online marketplace of add-ons and extensions to xTuple ERP. The xChange provides users with a...

We're very pleased to announce the opening of the xTuple xChange - the online marketplace for xTuple ERP products and services. Think of it as an App Store for the enterprise, where community members can buy and sell add-in packages, extensions, connectors to third-party apps, and much more. And of course, there will be plenty of freely available open source xTuple stuff as well - including...
These days, it's not enough to offer an open source product; the magic comes from providing an open source platform. It's got to be possible for users to customize and extend the product. We get that. Over a year ago we added full support for scripting to xTuple ERP to enable users to write modifications without the overhead of changing core code. In January we even embedded the scripting tools directly into the application. Giving out tools to modify the software, however, was only the first step.