xTuple is proud to announce our first annual xTuple Bug Derby.
From July 13th to July 21st we will be obsessively fixated on resolving as many bugs as possible for the 3.3 release and we are inviting the greater xTuple community to join in.
There will be prizes for participating contributors. Anyone who submits code to resolve 3 or more bugs will receive an xTuple Bug Derby T-Shirt. The highest contributor outside xTuple that submits code to resolve 10 or more bugs will win a Dell Netbook. All participants will be publicly credited for their contributions.
Here are the rules of engagement:
- Eligible bug fixes apply to both the PostBooks and OpenRPT projects on SourceForge, or any xTuple commercial products (obviously the latter can only be contributed by paying customers using these products).
- All community members who wish to participate should request "updater" or higher privileges on our issue tracker if they don't already have them. Please just post a comment on this blog to request that access.
- Participants will assign themselves issues so the larger community knows who is working on them.
- Participants with commit privileges can commit code directly and change the issue status to "Resolved". Community participants who don't currently have SVN commit privileges can simply attach their code fixes as zip files to the issue and change the severity to "Patch" and status to "Confirmed."
- All fixes should be applied to code version 3.3 Beta 2 due to be published July 13th.
- All fixes must be contributed between July 13th and July 21st.
- All fixes will need to be incorporated and validated by xTuple Quality Assurance.
- All fixes require a code contribution. That is to say, marking a duplicate issue as resolved doesn't count!
We will announce the Grand Prize winner of the Netbook on or before the final release of 3.3. We look forward to working with you all helping to make xTuple the most bug free ERP system available.