xTuple's Collective Brainpower Blog

We're excited to present a new feature in which the database can tell the xTuple client to do things. Up until now, this was a one-directional channel of communication from the client to the database. However, we've utilized Postgres' "NOTIFY/LISTEN" functionality to send push notifications to xTuple. xTuple hears the notification and does something based on the notification's name.


Wholesale Distribution. And the average citizen will live their entire life without giving this vital industry a single thought. The average Congressman or other members of the Federal government know little about the industry as well.

The wholesale distribution industry has annual sales greater than that of the retail trade industry, to the tune of $4 trillion or approximately 140%...

By Jonathan Corbet

PostBooks® has been around as a commercial project since 2000 or so; it made the shift to a free software project in 2007. It is, however, a classic example of a corporate-controlled project, with the corporation in this case being a company called xTuple. The license is the "badgeware" Common Public Attribution License (CPAL), which requires the acknowledgment of...

Last week Roy Sutton, developer relations engineer at Hewlett Packard's Enyo group, dropped by the xTuple home office. Roy presented Enyo, the JavaScript development framework, to xTuplers and to developers from other companies here in Norfolk Virginia's downtown innovation corridor.

Enyo, originally developed for the HP TouchPad, has been updated to work on all modern browsers, mobile...

September Rewards, our way of saying "thank you" — that was CEO Ned Lilly's introduction to our recent xTupler e-Newsletter — to say "thank you" to our ever-growing global community of customers, partners and other users. He introduced Rewards that are hard to pass up; I especially want to highlight one which should be uber important to our FREE PostBooks® users:

Upgrade to a...


This time the email arrives from Open source ERP provider xTuple who is the latest publisher to mine the disaffected Sage channel with a broadcast email today that uses a graveyard image of discontinued Sage products to poke fun of the recent decision by Sage North America to prune back some Sage product lines.

By PJ Jakovljevic

These days, amid the austerity, cuts, and general malaise, it is refreshing to hear about the whopping annual growth of a manufacturing-oriented enterprise resource planning (ERP) software vendor. Sure, one can discount the magnitude of this upbeat news — this particular vendor is still budding, if you compare it to SAP, Oracle, or Infor — but I welcome this it (and...

These days, amid the austerity, cuts, and general malaise, it is refreshing to hear about the whopping annual growth of a manufacturing-oriented enterprise resource planning (ERP) software vendor. Sure, one can discount the magnitude of this upbeat news — this particular vendor is still budding, if you compare it to SAP , Oracle , or Infor — but I welcome this (and so should any ERP vendor)....

It's been a busy summer for us here at xTuple. Our new Mobile Web app is now in private beta testing, and we continue to expand into the wholesale distribution market. We've seen terrific growth so far in 2012, and we'd like to say "thank you" to our ever-growing global community of customers, partners and other users. In thanks - we'd like to give you something back.

You might have noticed a particular phrase that's worked its way into a lot of our branding here at xTuple: "Grow your world." You might have even noticed that it's got a little (R) registered trademark notice after it. That's how strongly we feel about this phrase. Could you indulge me for a minute while I explain why?

Of course, we believe that a good ERP system like ours, properly...

Companies who utilize business intelligence with their ERP system get the most value and are more likely to implement business performance improvements. These are the results of Aberdeen's 2011 ERP survey of 549 organizations (see ERP Plus BI: Maximizing the Return on Your ERP ).

What is Business Intelligence? Explore, analyze and understand your data, at-a-glance. See your key...


Business management software innovator posts record revenues, expands global reach with accelerated Partner channel and training offerings

At the recent quarterly company meeting, xTuple President and CEO Ned Lilly reported sales revenue up 66% over the same quarter last year — and sales for the first half of 2012 up 49% overall from the first half of 2011....


Meet xTuple: Changing the Way Distributors View ERP Software

Let's face it. Most business software vendors don't listen. Over-priced products, bad service, unstable management. Need we say more?

At xTuple, we think Distributors deserve better.

xTuple is new and different : An affordable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, focused on...

Why does Forbes keep indulging SaaS/cloud vendors looking to pick straw-man fights? (see also “ The End of ERP ” — and my comments there).

Bryan from Acquia makes the point well that open source and SaaS/cloud are mutually complementary, so I won’t try to add anything to that.

Mr. Cohen quotes a passage from Richard Stallman that I actually agree with — the distinction between...

Why buy alone? This is the question any small business owner needs to ask.

In answer, Industries United formed to connect thousands of small businesses into industry groups who purchase material and operational supplies, together. IU recently launched a national buying program with Fastenal.

Fastenal is a global sourcing company with local, one-...

By Drew Robb

While no accurate market share numbers appear to exist, Ned Lilly, CEO of open source ERP provider xTuple, estimates that the open source share of the ERP market hovers somewhere around one-and-a-half percent. "If you segmented it into three tiers with Oracle and SAP as the top tier, you might be approaching 1 percent to 2 percent in Tiers 2 and 3," he said. "We're clearly...

xTuple customer Dodson and Horrell [photo credits] sponsors the Great Britain’s Equestrian Team (GBR).

The 2012 Summer Olympic Games are held in London this year. Dodson and Horrell, a British company making specialized feed for horses (and xTuple customer), sponsors and is the official supplier of nutrition to Team GBR.

Not only does Dodson and Horrell supply horse feed to...

A couple years ago I learned of what is now one of my favorite quotes from one of our senior developers, Gil Moskowitz . I asked him why a particular development resulted in so much code and complexity. He referred to a quote from Blaise Pascal : "I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time."

As many of you know, we've been hard at work on our new Mobile Web...

If you’re in the process of deciding to migrate to a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system and hope to have it in place by the end of the year, i.e., 2012 , don’t wait any longer to make the decision.

Count on at least four to six months depending upon the complexity of your business — unless you have a dedicated team working on the implementation nearly full-time. December and...

Hey! How have you all been?! I've stepped back into my cubicle and will attempt to grace the xTuple Blog-o-sphere once again with something I think EVERYONE may find interesting.

Sales Account Assignments — In the Beginning...

Setting up Sales Account Assignments within the bounds of Site, Product Category and Customer Type is more than sufficient to meet the needs of most...