There are many reasons executives at growing companies resist upgrading to the comprehensive ERP software that their organizations desperately need. Some are worried about costs, some about the time-intensive nature of implementation, and some, realizing that most big-name ERP solutions are created for Windows-driven PCs, just will not sacrifice their beloved Macs in the name of business management software.
We don’t blame them. And we don’t ask them to sacrifice anything when we recommend products to power their organizations. Indeed, the folks at xTuple love Apple, too, and have therefore created a next generation ERP solution that works interchangeably on Windows, Linux, and on your favorite Mac. And you know what that means? The flexibility of xTuple will not require you to buy a single new computer system for compatibility reasons, because xTuple software doesn’t discriminate, and will run on whatever you’ve currently got — provided that it is less than 10 years old!
Now that choosing organization-enhancing ERP doesn’t mean that you’ll have to scrap your Mac, it is time to consider xTuple. And, while we are crossing off resistance points for upgrading business management solutions, let’s go ahead and mark off high costs, as well. xTuple, an open source software, is actually available for downloading completely free — yes, free. And yes, you guessed it: our implementation process is smooth and painless, as well.
We have a great team that is ready to help you learn more about the revolutionary ERP software of xTuple. We look forward to working with you and proving that there is no longer reason to resist the vehicle that will usher your company to the next level.