As year-end draws near, it's not uncommon for businesses to begin to consider polishing up their accounting system or switching off legacy applications in preparation for the new year. The accounting-related community forums become busy with chatter as does xTuple customer support. One message has become loud and clear to us over the years — more accounting!
(Waiting for a punch line? No, we're serious!)
On the application front, we've added more reports, A/R and A/P workbenches, we've made standard forms available in the app store, and there's even more functionality coming with the 3.6 release, including support for sub-ledgers and more ways to help you out of, ahem, user-created problems.
We all know that setting up your xTuple ERP system properly — particularly the accounting — is key to overall success of your implementation. But we also know that some companies have, for a variety of reasons, only implemented part of the system — sometimes even implementing just the manufacturing modules, and leaving the poor folks in accounting to keep treading water with QuickBooks other less powerful software. During our current upgrade promotion, we've spoken to a number of customers who've expressed a need for consulting specifically in this area. So we've decided to expand the current discounted consulting pricing beyond upgrades ... to those customers who have a need for accounting related consulting services. Contact us for more information about these special rates.
In addition, we have scheduled one of our first training webinars titled, "Tips & Tricks for Accounting Professionals." This special online session will be hosted by xTuple consultant Jim McCluskey on January 18. Jim has over twenty years of experience as a Chief Financial Officer and 5+ years of experience as a CFO and xTuple power user with one of our larger customers. The webinar will be a two hour session with an overview of slightly more advanced topics not covered currently in training videos or classroom sessions including managing credit, budgeting and financial reporting (although if you haven't signed up for the November 15 class, better do so soon!)
For those of you who sign up for consulting services during the month of October, this training webinar will be available at no additional charge. And if you're not up for the consulting but you want the training, you can sign up for the accounting webinar ;for a special price.
Don't let year-end sneak up on you. Get your questions answered now!