QuickStart Wizard

Get started with xTuple quickly

NEW: For users working with the QuickStart database, the QuickStart Wizard now includes a Start Here tab that guides you through the steps to enter Items, Customers, and Vendors.

If you are new to xTuple, the QuickStart Wizard — an extension to the xTuple Desktop — can take you through the steps of setting up an xTuple database today.

The QuickStart Wizard is an add-in package that complements the xTuple Desktop with an easy-to-follow guide for setting up a company from scratch.

It is available for purchase (ONLY $30) for users with locally installed databases and is also included with the xTuple Cloud Access service — at no additional charge.

When you purchase the QuickStart Wizard, you receive both the Updater package and the QuickStart Wizard Reference Guide, a PDF document to assist with using the Wizard.

xTuple QuickStart Wizard

The QuickStart Wizard file is an xTuple extension package, which means you'll need the the free Updater application to install it in your xTuple database.

Read more on using the xTuple Updater.


Need help setting up your own business with xTuple?

When you are ready to set up your own business, we offer the QuickStart Wizard — an add-in package with an easy-to-follow guide for establishing your company for the first time using xTuple business management software.

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