Introducing the xTuple Web/Mobile Tutorial

We've been hearing a lot from partners and users who want to get their hands on our web/mobile platform. This new framework makes it easy to write extensions in pure javascript onto our core code to customize the end-user experience or integrate with other services.

But you have to know where to start! That's why we've written a three-part tutorial on how to write an extension in our web/mobile framework. You can find the tutorial here:

It's also linked directly off of our project home page on github:

As always we're eager to hear your feedback. Let us know if there's anything else you'd like us to cover, or if you have any questions while following the tutorial.

And for those of you attending the inaugural xTupleCon next week, I'll be leading a discussion Friday afternoon about this tutorial and about extending the web/mobile platform generally. Hope to see you there!

Steve Hackbarth

Software Development at xTuple, July 2012 – February 2015

Specialties: The Javascript Stack: Enyo, Backbone, REST,, Node.js, Express, Mocha, Zombie, plv8, Postgres, Mongo, git, vim, Ubuntu; The Java Stack: Java, Google Web Toolkit (with MVP, Bootstrap, GXT, and RequestFactory), Spring, Struts, Hibernate, jUnit, J2EE (Servlets, JSP), Eclipse, Objectify, Groovy, Maven, Google App Engine, MySQL