With the advent of xTuple's new extension architecture, it's easier than ever for software developers to write custom add-ons to the core PostBooks product. This also means system administrators may now find themselves managing multiple applications in addition to their xTuple ERP--each having a slightly different version number than the next. To help everyone keep track of which version goes with which, we've created the xTuple compatibility matrix. We hope you'll visit this page (particularly during the upgrade process). And if you're a third-party developer, we hope you'll add your own application to the growing list.
Publishing the version matrix at this stage was a timely move, as anyone upgrading to the 3.4.0 Release Candidate will need to consult the chart for important update information.
For example, if you depend on the Batch Manager in your business, you will see on the chart that xTuple ERP version 3.4.0 requires you to be running Batch Manager version 3.4.0--this includes both the xtbatch package and the Batch Manager client itself. Earlier releases of the Batch Manager are not compatible, unless you're running either the PostBooks or Standard Editions.
We've divided the Compatibility Matrix into two basic categories:
- xTuple applications
- Third-party applications
The first category includes any of the official xTuple applications which operate with xTuple ERP. Currently, these include the Batch Manager, the Updater, and the xTuple POS system. Over time, we expect the items in the second group to vastly outnumber the items in the first. And with this in mind we want to encourage any application developers who are writing packages for the xChange to please add their products into the mix. We need your help keeping the compatibility matrix up-to-date!
Also don't forget we've reserved web space for third-party application docs. So if you're creating extension software, and writing about it, feel free to maintain your content on our site. Or give us a link to your own documentation pages, and we'll link back to them.