Commercial upgrade tips

When upgrading commercial editions of xTuple ERP, there are a few basic points to pay attention to:

1. All the commercial editions are built upon the Standard Edition. So, when upgrading from one version to the next (e.g., from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0), you must first run the Standard upgrade package. In this example, the Standard upgrade package would be named 'std370to380.gz'.

2. Next, you need to upgrade the packages associated with the xTuple Edition you have licensed. For example, for the Manufacturing Edition, you need to upgrade the Manufacturing package. Continuing our example, the Manufacturing package would be named 'mfg370to380.gz'.

3. You would upgrade your other packages in the same manner, depending on your xTuple Edition.

4. Similarly, if you are running xTuple Connect, you must upgrade both your xTuple Connect package and your xTuple Connect client.

All the details related to compatibility between packages and xTuple versions can be found on the xTuple Compatibiliy Matrix here:

Of course, regardless of your Edition, you should always make a backup copy of your database before upgrading.