In October this year, I'll be visiting the US and Canada for some conferences and a wedding. The first event will be xTupleCon 2014 in Norfolk, Virginia. xTuple makes the popular open source accounting and CRM suite PostBooks®. The event kicks off with a keynote from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak on the evening of October 14. On October 16, I'll be making a presentation about how JSCommunicator makes it easy to add click-to-call real-time communications (RTC) to any other web-based product without requiring any browser plugins or third party softphones.
Also attending xTupleCon is Juliana Louback who has been busy extending JSCommunicator as part of her Google Summer of Code project. When finished, we hope to quickly roll out the latest version of JSCommunicator to other sites including rtc.debian.org, the WebRTC portal for the Debian Developer community. Juliana has also started working on wrapping JSCommunicator into a module for the new xTuple / PostBooks® web-based CRM. Versatility is one of the main goals of the JSCommunicator project, and it will be exciting to demonstrate this in action at xTupleCon.
xTupleCon for developers
I hope to meet you in Norfolk, Virginia (US) for this important open source developer event. Please note it is getting close to their deadline for registration and discounted hotel bookings.
WebRTC / JavaScript meet-up in Norfolk area
For those who don't or can't attend xTupleCon, xTuple management has made accommodations for us to hold a small WebRTC-hacking event at 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday 15 October, at xTuple headquarters (118 West Bute Street, Norfolk, Virginia, just a few blocks from the conference hotel). Of course, xTupleCon attendees are invited to attend as well. Please email me privately, if you may be interested to learn more.
WORKSHOP — Browser-based, Plugin-free WebRTC Telephony for Web Applications

You can read more of my work with xTuple on my personal blog.