Here at xTuple, we're often asked, "what makes you different? Why shouldn't I go with one of the big guys?" It's a fair question, and our answer has usually revolved around open source, and how it enables us to deliver a higher quality, more flexible and less expensive solution.
More recently, we've started talking about how xTuple is one of a very few systems out there with a fully-integrated Customer Web Portal. Whether your customers are purely B2B (business-to-business), or consumers, or both — your business is likely looking to deepen your customer relationships, and give them tools to buy online, self-serve their accounts, and engage with you digitally through a secure set of touchpoints directly into your ERP/CRM (enterprise resource planning / customer relationship management) system.
But our ambition has always been much bigger. We have always aspired to blow open the doors of ERP — to make it orders of magnitude more accessible (and useful) for the millions of small to mid-sized businesses who don't have a good integrated system today. We've had some modest success there — hundreds of happy customers who have implemented a commercial edition of xTuple on their own, or with help from us or one of our partners. And thousands more who are using the free PostBooks® edition.
Frankly, though, we know that for every one of those businesses, there are dozens — maybe hundreds — of companies who continue to find ERP too hard, too complicated, and yes, too scary. Too many decisions, too many unknowns. How many users do we really need? Will we use this module, or that one? Do I need to hire more IT people? How long will it take, and how much is this really going to cost me?
I'm happy to announce that we will soon have an answer to all of those questions. We're putting the finishing touches on a revolutionary new offering called xTuple XPRESS. As the name might suggest, this is a service to get a company up and running quickly, in a defined amount of time, for a fixed cost. That's a big deal, as industry experts will tell you that even a "small" ERP implementation can easily consume a full year of back-and-forth with your vendor and consultants. No wonder those same experts report that three out of four implementation projects fail — and no wonder so many companies decide not to do it!
Well, that's what we're setting out to change. xTuple XPRESS will include the full xTuple Enterprise software system — access to every module we have! — plus the xTupleCommerce Customer Web Portal. Hosted in the xTuple Cloud, and available for bundles of 5, 10, or 20 users. We're making XPRESS available for up to 40% off the cost of all its component pieces, if they were purchased separately.
And we guarantee that you'll be live with your open source ERP, CRM and accounting within 90 days — and live with your new website no later than 60 days after that. You'll benefit from our rigorous implementation methodology, building on more than fifteen years of best practices.
That's why we call it "ERP Success — faster, better, cheaper. Guaranteed."
Now, it's not for everyone. If you're a larger, more complex business, if you're looking to customize or otherwise enhance the system, or build integrations with other systems — XPRESS is likely not for you. And the XPRESS Guarantee does come with some conditions, including your willingness to carry out certain tasks and make certain decisions within the overall project schedule.
We're currently accepting applications for a limited number of beta testers, who will receive an additional discount on their XPRESS implementation. If you'd be interested in learning more, please contact xTuple Sales today.