Kick off xTupleCon14 with Woz!
Yes, you read that correctly. xTuple is proud to announce that our opening VIP keynote speaker will be none other than the legendary Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple!
UPDATE: We're also happy to announce that xTupleCon participants will be able to enjoy a 90 minute private cocktail and hors d'oeuvres reception with Woz before the talk!!
xTuple is particularly happy to welcome "Woz" given our long and happy affiliation with Apple products, including desktops, MacBooks, iPhones and iPads. We offer this event in partnership with The Norfolk Forum, the oldest publicly-subscribed speakers' forum in the country (founded in 1933). Admission to the Wozniak event is included in your xTupleCon14 registration, but only a limited number of seats are available (first come, first served). We do expect the conference to sell out. Remember, June 30 is the cut-off for early-bird registration!
Conference Opener: Tuesday, October 14, at Chrysler Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist for more than thirty years Steve Wozniak helped shape the computing industry with his design of Apple's first line of products - the Apple I and II - and influenced the popular Macintosh. In 1976, Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer, Inc., with Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. The following year, he introduced his Apple II personal computer, featuring a central processing unit, a keyboard, color graphics, and a floppy disk drive. The Apple II was integral in launching the personal computer industry. Wozniak currently serves as Chief Scientist for the in-memory hardware company Fusion-io and is a published author with the release of his New York Times best-selling autobiography, iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon, in September 2006 by Norton Publishing.
Register for the Conference only (Tuesday, October 14 - Thursday, October 16)
Register for the Ultimate Pass & Save $250 (Pre-Conference Workshops + Conference, Monday, October 13 - Thursday, October 16) - few seats left for these deep-dive half-day, hands-on workshops