Why is LinkedIn® essential to your career success? Statistics don't lie: 98% of recruiters and 85% of hiring managers use LinkedIn® to find and vet candidates (according to researcher Viveka von Rosen — author of LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day and founder of LinkedIntoBusiness.com). And according to the Pew Research Center, LinkedIn® usage is highest among the educated and high earners. Those with more professional experience — and those hiring — are on LinkedIn®; it's also the only social networking website with higher measured usage among 50-64 year olds than those aged 18-29. Professionals at every career level use it for networking, staying in touch with current and former co-workers, and engaging within their industry whether promoting their business or recruiting.
How to make your LinkedIn® profile stand out?
Showcase your xTuple ERP expertise
In general, improve your findability with pertinent keywords, especially to highlight everything that doesn't fit on your one-sheet resume, and use a visually appealing headshot and cover photo. Once you're ready, strategically connect with others and stay active and up-to-date. Your professional online resume — and LinkedIn® is the perfect medium — is how you can maintain your authority within your industry.
All of the to-dos below start with moving your cursor over Profile at the top of your LinkedIn® homepage, then select View Profile.
Add xTuple ERP Certification
- If you've previously added a certificate, scroll down to the Accomplishments section and select Certification.
- If you've never added a certification, you'll first want to add a Certifications section. Click on Add new profile section to see what you can add to your profile. Click the down arrow on Accomplishments to select Certifications.
- Type in your certification information as follows:
- Certification Name: xTuple ERP.
- Certification Authority: xTuple (as you type in xTuple, please select the xTuple Company Page to add linkage).
- License Number: SKIP, does not apply.
- Certification URL: http://xTupleUniversity.com or https://xtupleuniversity.xtuple.com.
- Dates: Use date of your first xTuple training or your first use of xTuple and check the box "This certification never expires."
- Click Save.
- More at Adding sections to your LinkedIn profile
- More at
Add your xTuple ERP skills
- Move your cursor over the Skills & Endorsements section and click on the edit pencil in the top right and then Adjust endorsement settings.
- Select I want to be endorsed so others will be able to endorse you and select which other communication settings you'd like, then Save.
- Select Add a new skill and start typing xTuple ERP, xTuple CRM, xTupleCommerce, etc. in the text box (and click Save) for each xTuple skill you wish to add.
- More at Adding and removing skills on your LinkedIn® profile.
Reorder your skills (as well as any section on your profile)
- Navigate back to the Skills & Endorsements section and click on the edit pencil in the top right which opens the list of all skills and endorsements you've added.
- Under the Reorder column, move your cursor over the skill you’d like to move, then click and drag to re-order. You can do this for each skill you’d like to place at a higher (or lower) priority on your profile.
- Click Save.
- To remove skills simply click the X under the Delete column for each skill you'd like to remove and click Save.
- Note: You can add up to 50 skills to your profile.
Please take a moment and endorse me for my "xTuple" skills at Missy Schmidt on LinkedIn®? I am happy to do the same for you!
LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo and the IN logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of LinkedIn® Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries and used herein as reference to LinkedIn® professional networking services and LinkedIn™ recruiting services.
Updated from post originally published on August 12, 2015.