We've moved

Well, we've moved our code anyway. Over the course of the last couple months we've been consolidating our code base, which was scattered in a variety of places, into GitHub. You can now find the code for all of xTuple's projects here: https://github.com/xtuple

This change means that we are no longer using SVN for any of our code management, it's all gitnow. We're actually quite excited about this because the GitHub platform has turned out to be a superior tool for working collaboratively between people inside and outside xTuple. It allows individuals to have their own working copy of the code and put in pull requests against ours that we can comment on and test before the code reaches our master branch. It also provides us with a nice little wiki system to document some of our practices.

A blog like this is usually a good place to describe a new topic, but the use of git and GitHub is a very big topic that is documented thoroughly on GitHub's website and elsewhere, so I won't go into any detail here on how to use it. That said, there are a lot of ways to use git, so I think it is useful to point you to our little process cheatsheet.

It is worth noting that GitHub is not a good place to store binary code, so we will continue to publish our compiled offerings and installers for PostBooks® and other open source components at SourceForge which is better suited for distribution. Our commercial software for paying customers will continue to be available for download from this website as it has been. Finally, I will point out that if you are new user that just wants to try our software with as little effort as possible, then your best bet is the cloud-hosted free trial offering here.

John Rogelstad

Software Development and Professional Services at xTuple, April 2007 – June 2014

Forward-thinking strategist and visionary technology executive, with hands-on manufacturing and SDLC coding experience, conceptualizes world-class products and leads struggling companies to profitability and status as industry leaders. Consensus-building planning and development engineer exceeds customer expectations while continually analyzing growth opportunities. Empowering and approachable diplomat fosters strong relationships with clients, vendors and cross-functional teams while monetizing new services and optimizing operations to control costs. With a history of industry leading success and resourceful problem solving abilities, trusted mentor and natural leader coaches robust teams, ensures technical excellence across the enterprise. Business Analysis ▪ Budget Management ▪ ERP Engineering and Architecture ▪ Contract Negotiation ▪ Production Planning ▪ Process Improvement ▪ Strategic Partnership Development ▪ Project Management
Supply Chain Management ▪ Database Application Development ▪ Team Development ▪ UI Design
Object/Relational Mapping ▪ Root Cause Analysis ▪ Web Application Coding ▪ Agile Product Development