Why Only 22% of Small and Mid-Size Businesses Invest in Business Intelligence

Great post on why Business Intelligence is only utilized by 22% of small to mid-size businesses. 

Invest in Business Intelligence Right Now

Reasons explored:

1. I don’t need it.
2. I don’t have time for it.
3. My data quality is not up to snuff.
4. We're too busy hiring right now.
5. I'm too small.
6. It's too expensive.

Good BI increases revenue. In fact, new research from Nucleus Research has shown that certain analytics, especially Predictive Analytics, can show a return-on-investment (ROI) of over 1,000%. Yes, that’s $10 on every $1 you spend on BI. So no, you might not need BI right now, but as more and more SMBs adopt it, eventually you will. Do you really want to be playing catch up?

Solutions built with open source business intelligence technology can remove the "Too Expensive" excuse.  And pre-built solutions are even a better way to get started (www.erpbisolution.com)

Also, if "Data is Not Up to Snuff" a good solution can also help with data cleansing.

Jeff Gunderson

Software Development at xTuple, 2013 – 2014

Jeff Gunderson is the founder of ERP BI Solutions provides business intelligence solutions for popular open source ERP systems including PostBooks® and xTuple ERP. Solutions are designed using data warehousing best practices and are built on best-of-breed open source BI technology giving you cost effective, innovative business intelligence.