Version 4.11.0 || August 2017
xTuple open source ERP+CRM 4.11.0 final release is now available for download from xTuple's GitHub repository as well as the xTuple PostBooks® project page on SourceForge. Thanks to all who contributed to this release, including Daniel Pocock, Scott Moore and Steven Buttgereit. The commercial editions and extension packages can be downloaded by commercial customers from xTuple's Community Website. See more information about deploying this release in the detailed Release Notes on GitHub (see link at end of this post).
This release includes fixes for almost 170 bugs and 38 feature updates added to the application since the xTuple ERP+CRM 4.10.1 release. Our focus has been on improving the desktop client and preparing for upcoming xTupleCommerce features.
- Completed support for Landed Cost
- Continued improvements in desktop client support for the Quality extension
- Simplified reversal of A/R application
- Continued performance improvements
- Rudimentary (undocumented) widget scripting (issue #28225 WIP)
- Reduced database locking during distribution of location- and lot/serial-controlled items
Accompanying this application and database release, we have also made minor fixes to the following extensions. Access to the commerically-released packages are available to commercial customers only.
- Commercial Fixed Assets — v1.8.0
- Commercial Enhanced Commissions — v1.9.2
- Free, open-source xTuple Desktop — v4.0.8
- Free, open-source Time and Expense — v2.4.4
NOTE: See the xTuple ERP Compatibility Matrix. You will need the following two (2) PostgreSQL extensions. These need to be installed on the database server, not client machines.
- plv8 — See our GitHub wiki for more information on how to install plv8 and a blog post describing plv8 and why we introduced this new dependency
- ossp-uuid — If you built PostgreSQL from source code, you might have to rebuild it. Make sure to include the --with-ossp-uuid option for the configure command. See our instructions for building PostgreSQL for details.
Note: Mac users may need to refer to How to Open the xTuple ERP CRM Desktop Client on your Mac when warned by Gatekeeper about Unidentified Developers
- Features issue #25491 Check Amount (Pre Discount)
- Features issue #25861 Add handling of Quality Tests when source document deleted/cancelled
- Features issue #28349 Make script-extensible implementation of VirtualCluster and VirtualClusterLineEdit
- Features issue #29702 Create Item Taxation template
- Features issue #30175 Add Customer Type as a search option with list
- Features issue #30322 Quote Items need to support sub-line items for Discount Pricing feature.
- Features issue #2295 Copy Item Site when Copy Item Master
- Features issue #2903 Add POST option on Enter Cash Receipts
- Features issue #9241 Improve performance by caching lists for xcombobox
- Features issue #9757 Add a "Search" field to List Open Sales Order screen
- Features issue #18333 Order Sales Backlog on Scheduled Date
- Features issue #20113 Landed cost
- Features issue #26367 Add ability to "unallocate" Credit Memos
- Features issue #26390 Landed Cost
- Features issue #26765 Distribution of header freight to voucher lines costing elements
- Features issue #26924 updates for Catcost Windows
- Features issue #27164 Move workflow tables into core
- Features issue #27308 PAIN — Selecting Open Sales Order from Open Sales Orders redundant queries running
- Features issue #28101 Add xTuple as a vendor in the reference dbs
- Features issue #28298 Repeated ach batch numbers
- Features issue #28578 Add search by SO# to Param Widget and Search in toolbar on dspSalesOrders screen
- Features issue #28594 Submission Proposal: Make PL/pgSQL function public.adjustInvValue accept optional doc number
- Features issue #28606 Add Numeric option to Characteristics Type
- Features issue #28640 Better sorting on Incident Workbench
- Features issue #28699 Display indicator of Shipto Active / Inactive Status
- Features issue #28730 Add WIP value to work order schedule
- Features issue #28763 Expose guiErrorCheck to script
- Features issue #28773 Customer PO# Needed on Open Receivables Report
- Features issue #28799 Need to record a Work Order Close Date
- Features issue #28817 Reason Code on Sales Credit
- Features issue #28859 Add Filters to Unapplied Credit Memos screen
- Features issue #28882 add tax to poitem api
- Features issue #28925 API view for vendor comments
- Features issue #28962 Add AP Payment On Hold comment
- Features issue #29284 Make "Start Date" on Customer/Sales tab configurable
- Features issue #29303 Add reverse application feature to the core
- Features issue #29602 Reporting needed for Return Authorisations
- Features issue #29882 Make menu preferences available to user accounts and role screens
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue #22868 Locking issues on transactions
- Fixed issue #26057 SQL Error when creating Quality Tests
- Fixed issue #26348 DB log error is displayed on selecting to print Order Activity By Project list from Project screen
- Fixed issue #26880 Cannot delete vendor commodity codes
- Fixed issue #27330 User is able to save operation Type with blank spaces
- Fixed issue #27708 Costing warning appears multiple times on releasing P/R
- Fixed issue #28020 Print Report for 'List Site Locations' is not displayed all Site Locations information
- Fixed issue #28089 Deleted Sales Order Items when CC payment applied
- Fixed issue #28622 Received DropShip PO linked to deleted SO
- Fixed issue #29224 Can't Migrate to 4.10 - avg costing and negative inventory problems after upgrade
- Fixed issue #29225 Vendor AP History does not display detail when AP Item is void
- Fixed issue #29233 Site Transfer does not respect Lot/Serial in all situations
- Fixed issue #29285 User can view pricing schedules even though ViewPricingSchedules privilege is not assigned
- Fixed issue #29304 Packing List Batch allows the addition of orders that do not display
- Fixed issue #29317 Db log error is observed instead of alert box in 'General Ledger Transactions' screen
- Fixed issue #29409 Purchase Requistion by Item - disabled Item Number when creating new PR
- Fixed issue #29435 'Description' column is not being updated in 'Relationships' tab of 'Item' screen.
- Fixed issue #29694 xTupleCommerce: Change DB ShipVia Code for Fedex
- Fixed issue #29720 ""Update Inventory"" checkbox on Credit Memo item ignores interfaceToGL metric
- Fixed issue #29772 'New' button is in enabled mode under 'Quotes' tab in 'Prospect' screen when creating New prospect.
- Fixed issue #29860 *Quality Reports for US Letter
- Fixed issue #29872 *Database error is displayed on clicking 'OK' button in 'Data Missing' dialog box of 'Quality Plan' screen.
- Fixed issue #29907 Wrong Check Number Printed and Updated
- Fixed issue #29931 A user with a . in their username is unable to copy financial reports
- Fixed issue #29960 Inactive Items still show up under pricing by customer type
- Fixed issue #30005 Size of List Price field in Item screen
- Fixed issue #30008 Incorrectly assign owner to vendor when usernames are close
- Fixed issue #30018 Work Order Material Requirements Not Being Updated with WO Changes
- Fixed issue #30041 cannot change due date on PO from PR
- Fixed issue #30083 'PurchaseVendorRelation' dependency error is displayed when tried to do buildapp on Manufacturing Empty database
- Fixed issue #30090 Unused Purchased Items not filtering inactive items
- Fixed issue #30111 Detailed Inventory History by Lot/Serial# Pattern must be ALL CAPS
- Fixed issue #30114 Error posting cash receipts
- Fixed issue #30133 Create Lot/Serial Form Fails to Properly Eval Fractional/Non-Fractional Entry
- Fixed issue #30134 Issue to Ship Line Item Right Click Menu Shows Reservation Items for Transfer Orders
- Fixed issue #30138 'SSL error' dialog is displayed when credit card settings are saved in credit card setup configuration screen
- Fixed issue #30157 Post dated AR Cash receipts display issue
- Fixed issue #30158 workflow module not working
- Fixed issue #30161 Able to create duplicate 'Purchase Type' in 'Purchase Types' screen.
- Fixed issue #30166 [qt-client] createLotSerial.cpp tries to look up expiration/warranty using incorrect ids
- Fixed issue #30171 xt.ver error due to unexpected trigger order in web-enabled databases
- Fixed issue #30183 npm install failes with npm ERR! 404 'types/node' is not in the npm registry.
- Fixed issue #30185 Issues with blank UPC codes when Unique Barcode setting is active
- Fixed issue #30186 disable triggers when updating schema
- Fixed issue #30214 upgrading to 4.11.0-beta with existing xt.potype gets dependency errors
- Fixed issue #30216 [qt-client] Itemsites with Control Method set to ""None"" show up on Inventory Availability report
- Fixed issue #30224 Workflow package missing description and version
- Fixed issue #30230 report design won't open
- Fixed issue #30237 411B List Price Not Recorded in ERP When Price Schedule Discount is Applied to List Price
- Fixed issue #30250 Critical Error alert is displayed on clicking 'New' button in 'Workflow' screen.
- Fixed issue #30251 'Error' dialog box is displayed on adding a 'Available Successors:' in 'On Completion' tab of 'Workflow step' screen
- Fixed issue #30252 Price Schedules linked to exclusive items do not calculate price
- Fixed issue #30299 Able to ship the sales order for multiple times.
- Fixed issue #30301 'Failed post List' error dialog is displayed while posting the Invoice for sales order.
- Fixed issue #30363 Documents attached to vouchers missing
- Fixed issue #30378 Characteristic Value Choices Are Not Sequenced in Search
- Fixed issue #30422 unable to delete 'WH1' & 'WH2' item sites from 'Item screen when a new item is created by copying 'YTRUCK1'
- Fixed issue #30424 Bank Reconciliation Very Slow
- Fixed issue #30434 In ‘User Account Information’ screen, ‘Employee’ label name is not visible properly.
- Fixed issue #30437 Attach Quality Plan/Test Doc causes client to crash
- Fixed issue #30439 Bom revision changes not captured correctly on comments
- Fixed issue #30456 *‘Error Issuing Item’ dialog is displayed when issuing the sales order for both ‘Lot’ & ‘Serial’ items.
- Fixed issue #30463 On entering ‘Vendor:’ in ‘Buy Card’ screen, purchase history of vendor part number is not displayed by default.
- Fixed issue #30466 Database Log Error is displayed after editing the Incident Recurring details and Incidents list is also not updated
- Fixed issue #30469 Post Operation when the user / server in different timezone: wooperpost - wrong date and time
- Fixed issue #30471 *Quality tests are not created when doing partial post production with sampling frequency ‘Last Item’.
- Fixed issue #30472 Existing Vendors payment information is displayed in ‘Checks’ screen under ‘Accounting’ tab of new vendor screen.
- Fixed issue #30482 Logged in user who is not a ‘Purchasing Agent’ is displayed as ‘Purchasing Agent’ in Purchase Order screen.
- Fixed issue #30486 deleteitemlocdist(integer) Performance is terrible
- Fixed issue #30494 4.11 beta - certain items unable to save bar code
- Fixed issue #30512 ‘Error Receiving P/O Line Items’ is displayed while receiving the Return Authorization.
- Fixed issue #30517 System does not use conversions when changing the quantity of a sales order item tied to a generated purchase order item
- Fixed issue #30524 REGRESSION: Database error is displayed while creating ‘Time’ Worksheet.
- Fixed issue #30528 REGRESSION: On activating 'Pending' Revision of Location Controlled Item, error message is being displayed.
- Fixed issue #30537 REGRESSION: ‘Error Occurred’ dialog is displayed while creating recurring Invoice in PostBooks edition
- Fixed issue #30547 411 Main Top Menu Window Sector Fails
- Fixed issue #30575 Customer widget has numerous issues
- Fixed issue #9200 Application inserting a prefix to Company ID
- Fixed issue #12189 Issue additional stock right click option opens behind screen.
- Fixed issue #16967 High Frequency Recurring Jobs need to increment on now() + INTERVAL
- Fixed issue #19902 Error message only partially translatable
- Fixed issue #25077 Margin and Margin % are displaying incorrectly in the Unposted Invoice and Invoice windows
- Fixed issue #25224 Sales Order Item Entry Speed Issues
- Fixed issue #26373 Irrelevant behavior is observed on selecting to create a Return Authorization when 'Return Auth. #Generation' set to 'Manual'
- Fixed issue #26416 Qt Designer raises database errors from applock.cpp when loading the xTuple widgets library
- Fixed issue #26716 SO $$$ balance is showing payment due even though the SO is paid in full
- Fixed issue #27500 Sales History
- Fixed issue #28020 Print Report for 'List Site Locations' is not displayed all Site Locations information
- Fixed issue #28136 Error turning on AS OF qty on hand
- Fixed issue #28170 Constrain missing bankrecitem
- Fixed issue #28304 New project field misaligned on cash receipt
- Fixed issue #28418 'Cust.Type' is displayed as 'Undefined' by default in 'Return Authorization' screen.
- Fixed issue #28512 INACTIVE SHIP TO APPEAR
- Fixed issue #28536 Multi-Level Trace not working
- Fixed issue #28546 WIP value disappear when deleting Work Order
- Fixed issue #28564 Non-inventory items appear on inventory reports
- Fixed issue #28568 Inactive item available for selection on Pricing Schedule Item screen
- Fixed issue #28584 Payables screen on vendor workbench needs query option
- Fixed issue #28585 Default customer credit status needed
- Fixed issue #28589 New credit limit check does not prevent shipping
- Fixed issue #28611 Journals listed under 'Eligible Sources' pane are disappeared on enabling 'Preview Posting' checkbox in 'Post Journals' screen.
- Fixed issue #28631 Slow moving inventory report contains empty group box
- Fixed issue #28633 Confusion over short code abbreviations for funds type Other and Other Credit Card
- Fixed issue #28669 Able to create purchase order linked to sales order for an item which is not having standard cost.
- Fixed issue #28697 Unable to delete item sites in PostBooks edition.
- Fixed issue #28706 'Error Saving Credit Memo Information' dialog is displayed multiple times for customer say 'XTRM' in 'Sales Credit' screen
- Fixed issue #28718 Cannot Delete a credit card.
- Fixed issue #28719 Item Description is missing from available columns in material req' report
- Fixed issue #28721 'Work Order' screen is displayed behind the 'Work Order History by W/O Number' screen while editing from Work Order History Scre
- Fixed issue #28723 "Release..." label implies a further dialog box, but none exists
- Fixed issue #28742 Update init.sql to support PostgreSQL 9.5+
- Fixed issue #28743 Workflow can be enabled in 2 places (but should not be)
- Fixed issue #28747 Unable to build masterref databases from xTuple repositories on 4_11_x branch.
- Fixed issue #28748 Able to select 'Credit by' as 'None' when 'Dispostion' is selected as 'Credit' in 'Return Authorization' screen
- Fixed issue #28753 Search for Vendor" screen has duplicate column "Vendor Type
- Fixed issue #28766 Pricing schedule site selector is confusing
- Fixed issue #28769 You can add a job costed item as a component on a WO
- Fixed issue #28780 CI failure for 410RC due to workflow issues
- Fixed issue #28807 roundlocale handles rounding non-fractional quantities incorrectly
- Fixed issue #28812 Workflow Activities menu item grays out after it has been clicked
- Fixed issue #28840 External column on COA displaying incorrect value
- Fixed issue #28861 Invalid error message is displayed when saving RA with Credit/Ship as '[no default]' and Credit By as '[no default]'.
- Fixed issue #28877 Item Source screen shows phantom row under prices when editing item source without any itemsrcp rows
- Fixed issue #28889 Display class windows with search bar only assign "Return" key shortcut and not "Enter"
- Fixed issue #28906 ‘One or more items cant be issued due to insufficient inventory’ dialog is displayed on issuing materials with enough QoH
- Fixed issue #28907 Able to issue materials even though QOH of the regular type item is zero.
- Fixed issue #28919 XCheckBox remembered non-forgetful state populates after initial window load, causing duplicate work
- Fixed issue #28932 New foreign key constraint on bankrecitem causes error on new Bank Reconciliations
- Fixed issue #28934 'Select' button is in enable mode even though 'Customer#' is not provided in 'Invoices' screen.
- Fixed issue #28963 BOM Item specific costs do not impact cost of MFG item for user defined costing element
- Fixed issue #28966 Some mobile client "Setup" lists are not translated
- Fixed issue #28969 All items inventory information is displayed in 'Inventory Availability' screen when opened from 'Item Sites' screen for an item
- Fixed issue #28972 “Uses of the Contact” contact tab shouldn't be available while creating a new contact
- Fixed issue #28976 'Post button' should be in disable mode when 'Quick Relocate Lot' screen is opened
- Fixed issue #28994 Can delete reference item used on invoice
- Fixed issue #29007 Value of A/P Workbench drop down selector does not reset
- Fixed issue #29012 Buttons(Edit/View/Print/Copy) are enabled after removing non existing BOM from 'Search for:' field in Bills of Materials
- Fixed issue #29025 All date filters are displayed by default with current date when 'Projects' screen is opened.
- Fixed issue #29027 'Item group' screen is displayed behind 'List Item Groups' screen when opened from 'Inventory Buffer Status by Item Group screen
- Fixed issue #29044 All sites item sources are displayed in print report of 'Item Sources' when one site filter is selected
- Fixed issue #29053 View Supply Order shows no data in view mode
- Fixed issue #29074 Purchase order description wrong
- Fixed issue #29110 Disallow changing item site control method to "None" when qty exists
- Fixed issue #29119 Inactive item sites showing in relocate transaction list
- Fixed issue #29129 Nuisance Error on BOM Where Used
- Fixed issue #29130 Impossible to edit UOM vendor conversion on poitem line edit
- Fixed issue #29185 Open Sales Order window errors when Site Filter is applied
- Fixed issue #29216 Bug in copyproject PL/pgSQL function causes failure on copying project
- Fixed issue #29257 CPAL in private-extensions
- Fixed issue #29274 Purchase Order Item tax type setting not saved on new
- Fixed issue #29315 Standard Journal Total field Size
- Fixed issue #29359 itemsite api view needs to default order group to 1
- Fixed issue #29384 Application is crashed on clicking cancel button in 'Sales Order' screen
- Fixed issue #29391 divide by 0 error in Slow Moving Inventory By Classcode metasql for 0 qoh
- Fixed issue #29510 Editing Discount on Credit Memo Apply changes apply amount
- Fixed issue #29591 The
view is slow on databases with lots ofusrpref
records - Fixed issue #29592 Missing Item Label Report
- Fixed issue #29594 Post Operation - Operation Combobox does not display correctly if description is missing
- Fixed issue #29608 Tax Assignment screen: checkboxes enabled in View mode
- Fixed issue #29788 Distributing Inventory Extremely slow
- Fixed issue #29796 Multiple Qty to Reserve popups on manually reserving multiple Lot/Location inventory
- Fixed issue #29827 Demo Database: Item Characteristics are not copied to Sales Order Line Items when the Line Item is created
- Fixed issue #29885 Aging report wrong
- Fixed issue #29907 Wrong Check Number Printed and Updated
- Fixed issue #29911 commercialcore-install.sql is empty in packages
- Fixed issue #29938 Display won't open on Windows if a script adds a large amount of options to the parameter widget
- Fixed issue #29979 Shop Floor Workbench screen title should be reverted
- Fixed issue #30022 Poor Item Source visibility is causing duplicate sources
What’s Next?
xTuple has already started work on xTuple ERP+CRM version 4.12.0. The primary focus for the 4.12.0 development cycle will be CRM enhancements and integrations as well as continuous performance improvements. See xTuple's Product Roadmap for more detail.