Calling All Accountants and CPAs, We Want to Talk to You

People often discover xTuple by searching phrases like "QuickBooks Alternative." It's interesting how few choices there are for companies who've outgrown entry level accounting packages like QuickBooks or Peachtree but don't have (or want to spend) $100,000+ on mid-market solutions like Microsoft Dynamics, Sage or Epicor.

CPAs and accountants are also seeking better, more affordable business software solutions for their clients. If you're an accountant, you know you're more than just a  financial resource — you are also your client's business advisor, answering questions and making recommendations for everything from managing expenses to software choices.

With more and more accountants seeking us out as a solution for their clients, we've decided to engage more directly with the CPA community. One of the ways we're doing that is by working with the global accounting firm BDO. The BDO Seidman Alliance is a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting and service firms.

By working with BDO, xTuple is connected with thousands of accountants, across the US and the world. The relationship works both ways — we're able to tap into their accounting expertise, and they're able to learn more about cutting edge issues important to their clients — like the benefits of open source, cloud accounting software, running on Macs and Linux as well as Windows, and more.

To support these initiatives, xTuple is kicking off a six-month-long series of accounting specific webinars. These free events will take place the second Wednesday of every month at 1:15 pm EST. This is in addition to our current webinar series which is also free and open to the entire xTuple community. 

Our new Accounting specific webinar series will offer all attendees a detailed, live demonstration of xTuple accounting that is fully interactive and responsive to attendee needs. Join us for the September webinar; click here to register.

Your clients will be interested in xTuple if they:

  • Are unhappy or experiencing problems with their current accounting software
  • Are having performance & reliability issues with their current financial software
  • Rely on Excel spreadsheets as a crutch for their financial reporting
  • Have outgrown QuickBooks, Peachtree or other entry-level accounting software
  • Have issues around redundant processes or duplication of data entry
  • Need a better grip on their inventory and order processing
  • Don't want to spend a lot of money for a mid-market ERP solution but need mid-market functionality

So please join us for any of the upcoming educational webinars. Each is worth 1 CPE credit and we're happy to answer questions from the audience.

Or maybe you're interested in learning more about xTuple now, and would like to arrange a private demo — great! Contact us and we'd be happy to help.

Wally Tonra

Vice President Sales

Wally has been with xTuple since 2004 and in ERP sales since the mid-1990s. After all that time selling vendor-centric, proprietary enterprise software, moving to an open source, Mac-friendly ERP package was a natural evolution. Prior to xTuple, Wally spent 10 years at JD Edwards, which was eventually acquired by Peoplesoft, in various sales and sales management positions. He made the move to xTuple before Oracle took over both Peoplesoft and the former JDE. Prior to JD Edwards, Wally held sales positions at ERP software company Daly.commerce (formerly Daly and Wolcott), hardware supplier XL/Datacomp and storage vendor EMC. Wally holds a B.S. from Boston College, where the Mac fanaticism all began.