Streamlining your business is our number one response to the question "Why ERP?"
Even the smallest manufacturers and distributors can benefit from the scalable functionality of xTuple's Business Software Solutions. From our introductory level PostBooks® to our robust, "everything included" Enterprise Edition, we probably have a solution to meet your needs.

Photo credit: RightBrain Photography on Flickr
Remember the old rotary-dial telephone? There was a time when the entire family used to share ONE phone! AND it had to stay plugged into the wall to work! And, all it did was allow you to talk to people from long distances away, while racking up exorbitant long distance phone charges.
While it was revolutionary at the time, more and more, people are cutting the cord for this:

Photo credit: Hamza Butt on Flickr
Your phone is no longer just a phone — it's a camera, music player, web-surfing device, your personal contacts, your wallet, your electronic books, and so much more.
How does this relate to my business, you may ask?
Well, running your business on spreadsheets is so last millennium. Gone are the days of double entry, accounting mistakes, and other redundant tasks associated with makeshift solutions.
So, with all of the advances in business management software, why are people still making their jobs more difficult?
Some questions and fears we've heard include, (but are certainly not limited to):
- Will my sales order change?
- Will my workflow change?
- Will my (fill in the blank) change?
- Will I need to hire an IT professional?
Answers are: yes, yes, most likely, and no!
Change can be scary.
But, once you get over the initial differences, you WILL realize the benefits of streamlining your business by not only giving it a sleek, modern look, but by improving your bottom line with greater productivity.