xTuple your Drupal

That's the catchy slogan from our booth sign at the Drupalcon conference, going on now at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. We've been here since Monday, talking to all the great, committed Drupaleers and Drupalistas about our soon-to-be-released xTuple Web Portal module for connecting your Drupal web site to your xTuple ERP database. 

A lot of companies here are interested in the idea of having a single, integrated database for managing customer/donor/user information. Most of these people are used to cobbling together solutions from various SaaS offerings, with the result that they have information about their customers in multiple, non-communicating databases. When they see our solution, a single, open-source business application and a simple module for connecting it to the web, they get very excited.

We'll be talking more about the xTuple Web Portal in the next few weeks. In the meantime, let me say thank you to all the great people who've stopped by our booth in the Moscone Center. It's been fun to meet you all!

BC Wilson

Director Cloud Services at xTuple, October 2008 – January 2018

With the explosive movement of cloud strategies, BC was promoted to director of cloud services in 2014. Previously, he oversaw operations and hiring of managers for critical lines of business for the Product Management Group, driving return on investment (ROI) for all xTuple products and managed ongoing engineering and development of the xTuple Classic GUI product, including all customer-sponsored enhancements, as well as the xTuple Web Portal product. Prior to xTuple, BC was a senior product manager for Trader Electronic Media, where he directed the development of websites for the classified advertising market. He has also worked as a partner in a web design agency, and a content producer for the Road Runner and Starband broadband service providers. BC began his career as a writer and editor for the Ziff Davis computer magazines.

He holds a B.A. in Theology from Georgetown University, and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Old Dominion University. In 2012, BC was appointed as a commissioner of Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails in Norfolk, Virginia.