Avoiding small business technology traps with your accounting software

A recent article in USA Today, "Ask an Expert: Entrepreneurs, avoid these these 5 tech traps," succinctly summed up one of the biggest mistakes companies make specifically in regards to their business management software. That tech trap is item number four on expert Steve Strauss' list:

4. Never really learning the software: Like the brain, people tend to use only about 10% of what their software can actually do. That's the mistake. Software companies spend a lot of time and money studying small business and creating software to meet our needs. If you spend a little extra time actually learning what your software can do, you will be amazed.

This is a notion which can never be communicated enough. By example, I once worked with a small business owner who didn't know how to email PDF (Portable Document Format) files from his accounting software. Whenever he was out in the field and a customer asked for copies of invoices, he would run back to his office, print it out and then hand deliver the document to the customer.

To make his life easier, my team set up remote access to his accounting software. We showed him how to email those PDF versions of invoices and other accounting documents, so he could provide the information while onsite with the customer. These two seemingly small changes saved hours of time running around gathering documentation. This allowed him to spend more quality time with customers versus dealing with paperwork.  As the business owner put it to me, these were two features that he'd just never gotten around to learning.

Spending just an hour or two every week studying your small business management software and learning about new functionality will continue to open your mind to the possibilities. Those possibilities include organizing your business, saving time and smoothing out the flow of your operation, so you are in a better position to take on more customers and improve your bottom line.

To encourage the learning process, xTuple offers a wide variety of training methods from in the class room to one-on-one training with consultants, distance learning, webinars, downloadable documentation, videos, user forums and more. If you'd like additional information about saving time and improving operations by learning everything there is to know about your xTuple business management software, contact us.

Oh, and be sure to check out the other four tech mistakes to be avoided, in no particular order:  lack of security, looking small, not scheduling regular data back-ups and not disposing of old technology properly.

Photo credit: Mister Fowler on Flickr

Anne Cote

Account Manager 2016

Greater Seattle Area. A results-oriented project leader with experience spanning Fortune 500 companies to startups. Adaptable collaborator brings expertise managing complex projects in enterprise system modules including accounting, inventory control, sales and purchasing. Exceptional interpersonal skills establish and maintain relationships and credibility quickly with vendors, consultants and cross-functional teams alike while remaining a calming force in stressful situations. Highly organized mentor builds rapport with co-workers and customers at all organizational levels. Specialties: Budget Management, Cross-team Communication, Business Analysis, Documentation, Agile, SDLC and Waterfall Project Methodologies, Lean Software Development, On-time Project Execution, Technical Implementation, Vendor Management, Contract Negotiation. She holds a B.A. from Western Washington University in Sociology and Psychology and is certified in Database Management from Georgia Institute of Technology. Anne is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) who has spent many years managing technology projects for a wide range of companies from Philips to Microsoft.