The Sage Alternative — ERP for Small Business

xTuple answers the expensive Sage problem —
What can I do when my Small Business is ready for ERP (but not the cost)?

Slow and inflexible software systems, inefficient and time-wasting, expensive due to exorbitant annual maintenance dollars. No real innovation as promised. Sound like any business software you know? Or use?

Discover the benefits of the technology revolution. Escape from traditional software vendor lock-in. The solution is xTuple ERP for small business.

xTuple Advantages over Sage

  • Free starter version
  • Use multiple concurrent seats and fast, unlimited database size
  • Fully integrated Corporate/Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Find where problems come from with transaction research
  • Gain complex price matrix capability, and deep feature sets
  • Costs less than other ERPs on the market today
  • Easy upgrade to full ERP for manufacturing, distribution, eCommerce

Don't continue to suffer from Sage-itis

Learn how others benefited from open source xTuple ERP with integrated CRM included, and schedule a personalized demonstration today — The Sage Alternative.

  • President, Sage software reseller and integration company
    xTuple ERP is the first product that we have found that has a stable product and works across multiple platforms — Linux, Mac, Windows, mobile. Probably my biggest surprise is the level of Manufacturing...very in depth and very well thought out.

  • Manager, Sage software reseller and implementation company
    My technical side liked having source code access, while my sales side preferred that my customers’ costs wouldn’t escalate due to exorbitant vendor’s licenses and maintenance.