Every xTuple product — from the free starter version to commercially-licensed PostBooks®, Distribution, Manufacturing and premium Enterprise Editions — includes the following Accounts Receivable Module features.
Accounts Receivable
- Invoice (New, List Unposted, Post)
- Memos
- New Misc. Credit Memo
- List Unapplied Credit Memos
- New Misc. Debit Memos
- Cash Receipt (New, Edit List, Post)
- A/R Workbench
- Forms
- Print Invoices, Re-Print Invoices
- Schedule Invoice for Email Delivery (Requires Connect)
- Print Statement by Customer, Customer Type
- Reports
- Invoice Information
- Open Items, by Customer
- A/R Aging
- Invoice Register
- Cash Receipts
- A/R Applications
- Deposits Register
- Customer History
- Sales Journal
- Credit Memo Journal
- Customers
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