We're happy to announce the final release of what started off as a minor update, and ended up as version 3.4.0 of xTuple ERP. It's available as an all-in-one installer for Windows, Linux, or Mac - in addition to the GUI client, you can also install the latest version of the xTuple Updater (required to update to 3.4), a new version of the OpenRPT report writer, the CSVimport tool, and of course, a local copy of the PostgreSQL database.
While there are some nifty enhancements to CRM Opportunity Management in 3.4, and another skirmish in our never-ending quest to clean up all the messy data in the world, the primary reason for this release is the conversion of the entire Manufacturing Edition functionality to a loadable, scripted xTension Package. So what does that mean?
Lots of things. For one, it's another big step toward being able to deliver updates and bug fixes more dynamically (instead of loading a whole new binary). For the developer types out there, it's another working example of how to build a Package that you might want to make available on the xTuple xChange.
Technically, it means that all the Manufacturing-only screens (see a comparison of features in different Editions) are stored in the database, and the screen behavior is governed by Javascript. No more C++, no more compiling (at least for this part of the application). On the database side, all the Manufacturing tables, functions, and other business logic live in a separate schema.
Everyday users shouldn't notice any difference at all. Geeks like us will probably scratch their heads at first, then after a few minutes of looking it over, will have the "ah, cool!" moment.
Here's a link to the 3.4.0 installer at Sourceforge.
And speaking of geeky stuff, it also includes a sneak preview of functionality to clean up and enforce accurate country and state names. Yes, yes, we should have done it right the first time (users have been able to type over the drop-down lists since version 2.0 - don't ask) ... but now it's all better. See the Release Notes for more details.
As always, thanks to all our customers, partners, and community members for their very real and tangible help in building this release. Stay tuned for a special end-of-year announcement in which we'll try and make our thanks a little more tangible as well ... (hint, hint....)