xTuple ERP version 3.2.1 is now available for download! You can find the free PostBooks Edition at Sourceforge , or if you're a commercial customer using the Standard or Manufacturing Editions, you'll find those files as usual in the downloads area at left.
We're well underway with planning for version 3.3, which will include enhancements to the taxation engine, Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP), and a number of usability improvements in Sales, CRM, and Accounting. We'll also be continuing our architectural work that provides for easier loading and unloading of Packages, and faciliates the development of web interfaces. If you'd like to get involved, either as a sponsor of new features, or on the development and testing front, please let us hear from you!
Below are the release notes for version 3.2.1. Thanks, as always, for your support of xTuple.
Release Notes
xTuple ERP
PostBooks, Standard, and Manufacturing Editions
Version 3.2.1
February 11, 2009
This is the final release of version 3.2.1, a follow-up release to version 3.2.0. This is primarily a bug fix release but does contain several new features designed to support custom screen and package development. Thanks to all in the community who helped make this release possible!
The following features and bug fixes have been added to the applications since the release of version 3.2.1Beta. Additional detail for each item listed below may be found on our community website (www.xtuple.org). Simply go to the Issue Tracker and select the Changelog option.
New Features:
* [System] Exposed metrics set function to scripting
* [System] Added menu manipulation capabilities to script toolbox
* [System] Exposed more control of tab widget to scripting
Bug Fixes:
* [Accounting] Fixed CC Refund for Authorize.net
* [Accounting] Fixed return Shipment to update Item Site Average Cost correctly
* [Accounting] Removed date range requirement for reprint Invoice
* [Accounting] Fixed running total on GL transaction to not reverse sense for certain Account Types
* [Accounting] Fixed duplicate key error when selecting to create Profit Center
* [Accounting] Removed company segment requirement from forward update utility
* [Accounting] Improved performance when opening Sales Order/Sales Order Line screens
* [CRM] Fixed alignment problems on Contact, Incident, and CRM Account screens
* [Products] Made Element column visible in Item Cost History Report
* [Sales] Removed Zone requirement on Ship To screen
* [Sales] Included Freight Tax into consideration on Sales Order Summary Screen
* [System] Fixed issue with xtreeview column view/hide settings over-writing each other
Release Notes
xTuple ERP
PostBooks, Standard, and Manufacturing Editions
Version 3.2.1Beta
January 26, 2009
This is the Beta release of version 3.2.1, a follow-up release to version 3.2.0. This is primarily a bug fix release; however, several smaller features have been added to improve user experience--and also to enhance the work being done by custom screen developers.
We ask everyone in the community who can to please test this Beta. The 3.2.1 release cycle will be an abbreviated one, with the plan being to move right to the final release immediately following 3.2.1Beta testing. Many thanks in advance to all our Beta testers!
The following features and bug fixes have been added to the applications since the release of version 3.2.0. Additional detail for each item listed below may be found on our community website (www.xtuple.org). Simply go to the Issue Tracker and select the Changelog option.
New Features:
* [All] Added api.itemcost view
* [Accounting] Moved Email Invoice menu item to Accountingmodule menu
* [Accounting] Enhanced Voucher voiding to also undo distributions
* [Accounting] Added ability to print Checks alphabetically by Vendor Name
* [Accounting] Added ability to Post CMs and Invoices from embedded tab screens in Customer Workbench
* [Accounting] Added new CM button to Credits tab on Receivables WB
* [Accounting] Added option to post from Invoices tab in Customer WB
* [Accounting] Added trigger to close Incident Related to Invoice
* [CRM] Added ability to add new Opportunities from Account screen
* [Inventory] Prevented Shipping recall if Invoice posted
* [Inventory] Added description column on PO and receiving screens
* [Inventory] Added help for users with activate/deactive of Items
* [Inventory] Allowed selection of a new Location default from the Relocate Inventory screen
* [Purchase] Added unique constraint for pohead_number
* [Sales] Added "active" column (Y/N) in Customers by... displays
* [Sales] Included baseline Sales Order acknowledgment form
* [Sales] Added Workbench button to Customer Search screen
* [System] Allowed print to PDF from scripts
* [System] Created package development mode
* [System] Added UPC code cross reference and search to Item cluster
* [System] Provided method to open screen builder screens from other screen builder screens
* [System] Added more navigation info to Alarms
Bug Fixes:
* [All] Fixed compiler warning on xcheckbox.cpp
* [All] Required Main Window to remember its size for the next login
* [Accounting] Fixed issue with List Unposted Invoices total amount not including tax+freight+other
* [Accounting] Fixed issue with the Accounts widget not calling the latest window
* [Accounting] Resolved deadlock scenario when two people distributing to/from the same lot/serial/locations
* [Accounting] Fixed Refund feature for for Authorize.net CC users
* [Accounting] Fixed issue leading to ERROR: null value in column "gltrans_amount" violates not-null constraint
* [Accounting] Fixed issue leading to -8 failure when posting Cash Receipt for Credit Card
* [Accounting] Fixed issue where amending Profit Center numbers did not apply to all Account Numbers
* [Accounting] Updated privileges to allow posting Voucher with only accounting privileges
* [Accounting] Made Invoice displays consistent
* [Accounting] For Fiscal Years, prevented entry of the end date prior to the start date
* [Accounting] Modified Voucher tab sequence to resolve data dependency issues
* [Accounting] Prevented creation of duplicate Tax Selections
* [Batch Manager] Fixed CANCEL button on Configuration Options screen
* [Batch Manager] Fixed SalesHistorybyCustomerGroup report to display data when run through the Batch Manager
* [CRM] Prevented creation of duplicate Titles
* [CRM] Fixed issue leading to error when selecting to delete an Opportunity related with CRM account
* [CRM] Prevented creation of empty records for Tasks
* [Inventory] Filtered recv rows selected by recv_trans_usr_name=CURRENT_USER to avoid problems when multiple users simultaneously receiving the same order
* [Inventory] Fixed issue leading to errors when posting Lot/Serial Count Tags
* [Inventory] Fixed issue leading to error on Query QOH by Location in PostBooks
* [Inventory] Fixed issue with Packing List form not being updated correctly if Ship Via changed after Stock issued
* [Inventory] Fixed issue with List Site locations printing partial information
* [Inventory] Removed obsolete code in postBillingSelection
* [Inventory] Added Alias information to key forms (e.g., Ship Confirmation and Packing List)
* [Manufacture] Restored Item description information on Inventory availability by Work Order screen
* [Manufacture] Fixed issue where Notes and Ref Designators were not copying from one BOM to another
* [Manufacture] Fixed issue leading to error when querying Work Order History by Work Order report
* [Products] Fixed incorrect or missing UOM data in Where Used screen
* [Products] Fixed issue preventing addition of Work Center Labor rates greater than 1,000
* [Purchase] Allowed changing of Purchase Order qty. with only "ChangePurchaseOrderQty" privilege
* [Purchase] Prevented entry of non-Inventory information on Purchase Order Item screen unless “Non-Inventory” radio button explicitly selected
* [Purchase] Added missing fields to Warehouse info view
* [Products] Fixed issue leading to error when selecting to post Actual Costs
* [Products] Worked to prevent scenario enabling division by zero error if Breeder BOM incomplete
* [Products] Prevented reassignment of blank Product Category patterns
* [Products] Prevented reassignment of blank Class Codes
* [Products] Fixed inconsistent operation of Mass Replace feature
* [Products] BOO can now be edited without saving the item first
* [Reports] Added bomitem_id and ecn to Indented BOM function
* [Reports] Added atShipping information to data source of Packing List
* [Sales] Changed overload functions to call itemCharPrice (rather than itemPrice)
* [Sales] Updated triggers so that when child line items of a Kit have their status changed then parent line item is updated as needed
* [Sales] Improved performance of S/O Line Item List on large databases
* [Sales] Prevented deletion of Sales Orders having linked, in-process Job Item Work Orders
* [Sales] Fixed Running Availability to work from Sales Order Backlog screen
* [Sales] Fixed issue with Backlog by Product Category report displaying Sales Order Number as Currency
* [Sales] Prevented reassignment of blank Customer Type patterns
* [Sales] Added "grace days" information to api.customer view
* [Sales] Enforced update of Unit price on UOM conversion
* [Sales] Prevented editing of Return line items in view mode
* [Schedule] Prevented deletion of Item Sites having active Production Plans
* [System] Fixed issue leading to error when deleting packages
* [System] Fixed issue leading to error when assigning Employees as their own Manager
* [System] Enforced rule that decimal precision in Locales should reflect the actual precision
* [System] Fixed issue leading to error when making changes to Accounting Configuration
* [System] Fixed error encountered when importing data using api.bomitem
* [System] Prevented creation of duplicate Shifts
* [System] Prevented creation of duplicate Locales with same code and details
* [System] Fixed issue leading to error when creating duplicate Employee records