Lot's of people dream about owning a business. A mantra stated over and over again in the US is, "Figure out what you love to do and get paid for doing it!" So, the entrepreneur goes running off with an idea, begins building a business only to discover the many aspects of business that did not fall under "love doing" which includes keeping track of the endless operational details of a business such as customer accounts, vendor information, inventory tracking, product definition, accounting and financial reporting. However, the cost of NOT managing these activities is high when it comes time to answer customer questions, manage your suppliers, track expenses, surviving an audit, and operating on slim margins.
This process of managing business information shouldn't be painful and require massive up front costs. xTuple provides a low cost high value solution that consolidates all of these details into one place. Rather than each employee squirreling away spreadsheets and trying to piece together disparate pieces of information. In xTuple the owner can view the whole picture of what's going and monitor the health of the business. In addition, while information is entered into the software, certain aspects can be automated using default information or linking various steps together using system wide settings.
You can't ignore the small stuff, but you shouldn't sweat it either. Make your life easier by getting organized and staying organized using xTuple business management software.