In case you hadn't heard, the Reference Guide for xTuple ERP 3.3 is now available for sale on the xChange. This is the PDF version of the document, and it retails for $195. We started publishing the PDF version during the previous release cycle, in response to repeated requests from community members who said they wanted it — and would be willing to pay for it, too. As you might imagine, selling printable docs is one way open source erp software projects can generate revenue. It's also a relatively low cost way for community members to contribute financially to our project. What's more, having printed documentation is valuable, we've found, for people who are in the process of selecting an ERP system for their business. So, what's the deal I'm talking about? Read more to find out....
Here's the deal: If you purchase a PDF version of one of our books, we will give you free upgrades on that book for the duration of the major release cycle the book corresponds to. In other words, if you purchased the 3.2 Reference Guide, you are entitled to free downloads of the 3.3 Reference Guide, the 3.4 Reference Guide, etc. And then, once xTuple ERP 4.0 (the next major version) comes out, you'll pay only $24.95 to have access to the entire 4.0 series of that book.
And if you are currently running xTuple ERP or you are looking for an ERP for small business, you might also be interested to know we have other PDF books available for sale:
- Read about our xTuple POS system for retail operations
- Or check out the printed docs for our Batch Manager extension package
The same free upgrades deal — with the small additional charge for upgrades to new major release versions--applies to all the PDF docs available for sale on the xChange.
So if you're looking for help with ERP, we hope you'll consider the purchase of a PDF book from us. And, as always, check out our website to discover tons of other helpful resources.