With the launch of this new xtuple.org website we're also launching the first web-based interface to xTuple ERP. It's our CRM Support module, a tool that allows us to display CRM data from the xTuple database directly on the web (sorry, only authorized customers and partners have access to the online support portal!).
This is the first of many ways we can expose xTuple functionality on the web. We are working on others as well, including an osCommerce-based application store called the xChange, as well as a front end for distributing sales leads to our partner network. We will continue to develop web-based functionality that integrates with the back-end xTuple database, and we will document those efforts in the Web-Based Tools section of this site.
Our approach is to create web interfaces where it makes the most sense--we are not currently working to replace the GUI client with a web-based interface, but rather to expose specific functionality to the web, where it would be useful to have additional inputs from customers, partners, etc.
We'd love to hear from our community--has anyone else out there built web interfaces to an xTuple database? Let us know what you're up to!