xTupler #43 | September 2016

Dear Community —
My apologies for not one but two (or three) obscure references to cola ads from the 1970s. Maybe it's just the caffeine talking, but I'm very excited to share lots of big news with you this month.
Here at xTuple, we've been working very hard behind the scenes on several new initiatives to help you get more out of your investment in our software, including a huge new xTuple University with new training options, the RC or release candidate of version 4.10, and more (like earning extra credit with every support purchase!).
Click "MORE" below for the rest of the story...
- What is MRP?
- What is MPS?
- How to Profitably Serve Small Customers
- PostBooks® in Switzerland
- Roadmap for Users and UX
Where's Wally? Showcasing eCommerce for Manufacturers

You’re in the business-to-business (B2B) business, and maybe you don’t — or even care to — sell your products online. But you ARE looking for new strategies for growth and ways to generate greater value from your customers. How exactly does a manufacturer develop customer loyalty, using the Web?
xTuple has been invited to talk about this very topic at two upcoming manufacturing-focused trade shows and conferences on Manufacturers: Satisfying Your Customer Intimacy Issues.
From xTupleU, you can go anywhere!
In the Classroom
Norfolk, Virginia (xTuple HQ) || November 7-11, 2016
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits are available for every training event offered by xTuple, unless otherwise noted, authorized by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).
Partner News

Horton Accounting Services Ltd: UK-based Accounting leader partners with xTuple, gives back to disability community ... Read More
xTupleR Staffer Feature

Dave Anderson, Consultant/Developer
Joined: 2014
Location: Auckland, New Zealand on a property completely surrounded by the beautiful bush, birds and other fauna.
Mission: To develop world-class business systems, supported by information technology, that enable an organisation to achieve its strategic vision, goals and objectives. See my Intro to Dashboards video below.
CV: Honours Degree in Management and Psychology. Worked as Quality Systems Manager in several industries, including Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award assessor; Logistics Manager for large Storage and Shipping division; Application Manager; SAP Consultant with a specialty in Business Intelligence; IS Manager, implementing Open Source technologies including xTuple.
Personal: Wife Tracy and a house full of teenage girls, a dog and a couple of cats, one who is affectionately known as the Ginger Ninja.
Hobbies: When not hacking code, you will find me doing various bits of DIY around the house, and enjoying the environment in my local Waitakere Ranges.
Why technology as a career? I started coding as a teenager, before the days of the Internet, IDEs, or even hard drives. Whilst my career took me in a slightly different track, I was always interested and involved in business systems. An opportunity arose to translate my practical business knowledge into an IT department, and the rest is history. My personal bias is toward the practical application of technology in real-life business scenarios.
Why xTuple? I really enjoy working with a great bunch of people on a well-designed and well-built product. The xTuple community is made up of smart, intelligent people, and I really enjoy being a part of that.
Introduction to xTuple Dashboards [VIDEO]
Learn how to monitor and track key performance indicators (KPIs) using customizable dashboards in xTuple ERP. See how you can quickly and easily set up and customize your own personal dashboards. This video demonstrates several workbench dashboards, as well as the underlying data sources, which inform the graphical presentations.
About xTuple
Grow Your World® with the world's #1 open source ERP — the leading provider of commercial open source business management software for small- to mid-sized companies. Connect with us at xTuple.com.