xTupler #35 | June 2014

Dear Community —
Difficult to know where to start with so much exciting news to share this month...
Well, no it's not. We're delighted to announce that, in addition to a chance to hear legendary Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak on the opening night of xTupleCon14, attendees will now also meet "Woz" at a private xTuple cocktail reception before the speaker event!
Here's where we remind you that Early Bird pricing for xTupleCon14 ends on June 30. We know, we know - the conference is not 'til October, and early bird, schmearly bird. But availability for this special event is limited, and it will sell out.
But hold on, fellow geeks! The fun is just starting! Remember a few years ago, when we held our biggest community bug-swatting contest? We called it "haxTuple" (get it?), and it was a huge success. A number of folks jumped in and won fun prizes - including Star Trek phasers, first-generation iPads (when they first came to the marketplace), and of course, fantastic haxTuple t-shirts (I'm wearing one now, as I write this).
It was awesome. 324 bugs fixed, and a down-to-the-wire contest between two xTuple Elite Partners, Alfredo Martinez and Scott Zuke. Scott pulled out the win, and for four years now, Alfredo has asked when he can have his chance for a rematch.
Well, I'm pleased to announce that day has come. Mark your calendars for August 6 -- the day we kick off haxTuple 3.0 with a live webinar to lay out the rules and line up all the resources you need to participate. We will work with both the "classic" Desktop client AND the new Mobile Web client - and award lots of fantastic prizes for both technologies. The best prizes go to those who work with both applications - and, of course, we plan to honor the winner(s) at the xTupleCon14 Community Awards Dinner in October.
Our upcoming haxTuple 3.0 will work on the soon-to-be-released version 4.6, which (among other things) is the first release with the Pentaho Business Intelligence integration available in the source code for the xTuple Server. It's available today for all commercial customers - if you haven't had a chance to see it, contact xTuple sales.
Speaking of xTuple releases, version 4.5.0 is now available. Download it today, or, if you are an XTN upgrades or xTuple Cloud customer, we can take care of it for you.
Oh, and one last geek note: Only 6 weeks until GOTG.
Thanks, as always, for your support of the world's #1 open source ERP.

Ned Lilly
President and CEO
- Customer Corner
- Partner Feature
- haxTuple Winner
- Meet the Staff
- xTupleCon 2014 WOZ!
- Training in D.C.
- Free Pass to xTupleCon?
- All New Webinar
- Heading to Nashville
- New xTupleU Beta
- Heartbleed — the xTuple Response
- xTuple Web Client: It's not just for mobile devices
- HTML5 at xTuple
- Paladin Logic, Ltd., Announces Mobile Port to xTuple PostBooks
- Installing PostBooks the Long Way [Update]
- Breaking news: Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak opening xTupleCon14
- A Whirlwind 90 Days: A Birdseye View of a Spanking New xTuple Reseller
Where's Wally? Heading to Music City - Nashville, Tennessee (USA)

xTuple's next generation in Manufacturing Software was so well received by attendees, he's invited to the next event in Nashville, Tennessee (USA). While Nashville may be known as "Music City," the region is also home to a significant concentration of automotive and aerospace industrial manufacturers and distributors. Since 75+% of xTuple's customer base is manufacturing (dominate in metals, plastics, electronics/electrical and equipment), working with PMA makes good sense.

The conference is sponsored by Metalforming Magazine.
Learn more about xTuple for your Supply Chain Management needs.
xTupleCon14 - Early Bird Pricing ENDS June 30
Who's excited about seeing Silicon Valley icon Steve Wozniak at #xTupleCon14?
These guys are! Are you?

xTupleCon14 - World's #1 Open Source ERP Global User Conference
Special featured opener: Apple co-founder and philanthropist Steve Wozniak
Join us for a few days or the full week: October 13-18, 2014 (Monday - Saturday). Pre-conference Workshops on Monday-Tuesday with opening "Woz" keynote Tuesday evening; main conference delivered Wednesday-Thursday; company-specific events on Friday; golf on Saturday.
What is xTupleCon14? Two main days packed with inspirational keynote speakers (including leaders in government, technology and our local military), VIP guests and entertainment, premium breakout sessions. Content for everyone, at every level. Tracks include: Business Management, Operations & Planning, and Technology. Half-day pre-conference workshops for hands-on, deeper dive training. Community Awards Dinner including Developer of the Year, and more.
How can #xTupleCon14 help you? Learn how open source technologies can help your business: Be inspired. Plan for success. Discover tools to execute your vision for company growth.
Register soon for the #xTupleCon14 Room Block! Best savings (up to 40% off regular rates). Held at the beautiful and spacious Waterside Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 235 E. Main St., Norfolk, Virginia (USA), just a few blocks away from xTuple Headquarters. Special Guest/Spouse Meals Discount available for the Welcome Reception, daily meals (breakfast and lunch) and Awards Dinner.
Who should attend? Valued customers, curious prospects, open source developers and users worldwide, free PostBooks® tire-kickers, enthusiastic partners, resourceful vendors, and your guest or spouse, too.
- Meet Steve Wozniak << limited tickets! first-come, first-served
- Register to attend << early bird ends June 30
- Submit a session << or request a topic, deadline June 30
- Sign up for pre-conference Workshops << limited class size
- Check the agenda << final to be posted July 15
- Be a sponsor/exhibitor << get your premium space and session presentation
- Learn how to get to #NorfolkVA << great place to visit
- Make a hotel reservation << room block closes September 15
- Join us for xTuple Open Captain's Choice Golf
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Customer Corner: Sharing the "love" with our xTupleVangelist
Meet Mike Atherton (if you have not already had the pleasure)
He doesn't call himself a trainer but prefers xTuple Evangelist. During more training classes in 2013 than we care to count, attendees shared their responses to the question: "What do you think of Mike's training?"
The simple questions elicits chuckles, guffaws and, all-in-all, awe and praise.
Brian Axtell, Snaptron, "Mike is a very animated individual."
Rosemarie Dobbs, Outerwears, "That one actually stumps me a little bit."
Bob Corrier, Keystone Wood Specialties, "Wow, Mike is doing a very good job. I've learned more in several days then I usually learn in two week long training courses." Watch the video...there's more!
More xTuple Customer Success Stories
Beyond the Internet's Edge
Paladin Logic launches mobile port for PostBooks®
xTuple Gold & Elite Partner, specializing in ERP customization and implementation, announces the launch of Madrigal SO (Small Office) and Madrigal ERP - a mobile port for Apple and Android tablets connecting to the complete PostBooks® 4.0 (and later) Desktop client.
With the launch, manufacturers, distributors and retailers using PostBooks have the option of a fully mobile port for their Desktop instance of PostBooks and higher-level xTuple Editions. Madrigal makes the entire PostBooks® back office desktop user interface - the actual look and feel of the Desktop client - available on Apple iPad or Android tablet, allowing businesses to manage their CRM, inventory, sales, ordering, and much more from anywhere. Learn more about Madrigal.
xTupleR Staffer Features

Stanley Zheng
Software Engineer
Joined: January 2014
Mission: Work with Mobile Development Team on a special research project (it's a secret!)
CV: Bachelors of Science in Computer Science, ODU Class of 2014
Personal: Live in Norfolk, Virginia
Avocation: Living the Open Source culture; Core organizer for Code for Hampton Roads, the local chapter of the Code for America Brigade
Why technology as a career? Civic hacking, i.e., making apps for the community, is a passion.
Why xTuple? If you don't like how something behaves in the xTuple software, you're encouraged to put in a pull request! All of our code is out there, and we encourage people to participate and build the software together.
Social: LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook
xTuple Partner Feature: erpDevelopers
By Jeff Rosengarden - Our company, erpDevelopers, signed on as an xTuple Gold Partner on March 15, 2014. It has been a whirlwind ride since then - including closing our first project just yesterday (June 11, 2014)!
Since originally signing up, we've worked a trade show jointly with xTuple, attended the 101 "Setup, Configuration & Operation" training class (in Vegas), the Project Management & Implementation Methodology class (via the Web), are scheduled for the upcoming 202 "Power User Training" class, done some paid scripting training with "xTupleVangelist" Mike Atherton and have spent, literally, hundreds (yes, that is 100s!) of hours of self-training with xTuple and all of it's working pieces. We have been on approximately a dozen sales calls so far and handled the demos ON OUR OWN (which, in and of itself, is quite a testimonial on how one can teach themselves xTuple, if they avail themselves of all the material that is available).
Due to such a high investment of our time since signing on - basically "eating, breathing and sleeping" xTuple for months now - we have had the ability to interface with almost every single aspect of the company possible.
The short version of our "take" on this deep interfacing with xTuple staff...simply phenomenal. Now for the "rest of the story..."
Learn more about xTuple's Partner Program
In-Class Training 2014
August 11-15, 2014, Washington, D.C. (40 CPEs)
August 18-21, 2014, Washington, D.C. (34 CPEs)
SPECIAL TRAINING OFFER: Buy a seat in either class held this August in D.C., qualify for one (1) #xTupleCon14 ticket FREE*
* NOTE: May not be combined with any other discounts, and must attend class in person to qualify. Free conference pass expires October 2014 and may be transferred/assigned to another attendee from your same organization.#xTupleCon14 offer.
Distance Learning 2014
July 17, 2014 (6 CPEs)
This live online class is equally applicable to those who are new to xTuple or current users who want to bolster their knowledge of both basic accounting principles and fundamental configuration and operation of core functionality.
August 18-21, 2014 (No CPEs Available)
xTuple University - Beta debuts 2014
August 20, 2014 (1 CPE)
Behind-the-scenes introduction to xTuple University (xTupleU), your new go-to online resource for cost effective and flexible ERP learning.
Shorten the learning curve of job-specific skills, as you implement and use xTuple ERP to increase your operational efficiency and manage projects, from anywhere, anytime. Attendees will enjoy a special invitation-only beta of xTupleU, free access for one (1) year.
New Educational Tracks - Online Training (complimentary) 2014
Track: Operations & Planning
June 25 (Wednesday) [new date]
Track: Tech Solutions
August 6 (Wednesday)
Track: eCommerce
September 17 (Wednesday)
Track: Tech Solutions
October 1 (Wednesday)
Learn more about training: xTuple Knowledge Series 2014
Past events are video-recorded and archived for your convenience, view them at your leisure:
How Cloud Computing Helps Today's Business Use More Innovation for Less Cost
How Business Intelligence Improves Your Profitability & Operational Excellence with Analytics
Solutions You Need to Sell Online - eCommerce Solutions
How to Automate Your Business Software Connections
90 days FREE - From there, go anywhere. Enterprise in the cloud [FREE TRIAL]

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits are available for every training event offered by xTuple, unless otherwise noted, authorized by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).
Learn more about the xTuple Knowledge Series and view past events on xTuple's YouTube Channel.
About xTuple
Best of Open Source Awards 2015: xTuple named InfoWorld's top pick in open source business applications — they're the engines behind every modern business. Read more about BOSSIE Awards.
Grow Your World® with the world's #1 open source ERP — the award-winning provider of commercial open source business management software for small- to mid-sized companies. Connect with the company, including the developer and partner community, at xTuple.com.