Let's take a brief stroll down Memory Lane... back to a time when a lot of people didn't recognize, or were a little afraid of, the phrase "open source." And what that means today for xTuple and our community of customers.

Let's take a brief stroll down Memory Lane... back to a time when a lot of people didn't recognize, or were a little afraid of, the phrase "open source." And what that means today for xTuple and our community of customers.
Tax law is complex and ever-changing. And the challenges are exponentially harder for businesses operating on a global scale. But understanding those challenges — and the available solutions — can create unparalleled opportunities for businesses of all sizes. In this report by International Data Corporation (IDC), learn the status of cross-border ecommerce, cause and effect, and what this means for your business.
The UK is set to leave the European Union (EU) in the next few months. Currently, this will be without any agreement on its exit terms or future trading relations with the remaining EU members or rest of the world. This guide — from our partner at Avalara — explains how businesses will be impacted by new customs and value-added tax (VAT). It includes a No-deal Brexit Checklist, with details of actions businesses should take now to mitigate the new trade frictions and tax liabilities....
More than ever, businesses are relying on enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to streamline their operations. From accounting to manufacturing to sales, the all-in-one solutions drive efficiency and collaboration. But for some businesses, the price tag of an ERP solution is simply too high.
In a business-to-business (B2B) sector such as manufacturing, it’s possible for one single customer to generate millions in revenue. But in the multi-channel digital world of today, the same account-based B2B sales tactics that worked before are not enough to move leads effectively down the sales funnel. In short, B2B manufacturing companies are going to need to adopt some business-to-consumer (B2C) marketing tactics to maximize revenue growth.